Wonderful Wanderings...

Back into the steady steady.
Let's see what happens in 2010.

14 April 2008

Sunny California

I've been on the road for the last few weeks. I left Jackson a week ago after much inner tribulation wondering if all my STUFF would fit in the back of my car. With the help of Betsy & Christina the magic wand was waved and I could even see out the back! Amazing...

I decided to head to California via Helena, MT, Boise ID and Napa Valley, CA (...naturally). I had a great time visiting friends and seeing kids and learning of babies coming etc. So- I counted... since landing in the states some odd- March 26th ago- I've spent 10 out of 14 days with kids/babies. Thus it seems natural I ended my trip sipping wine with Keller in the Napa/Sonoma area of "my new home state". We visited a few wineries, did some tastings and ate plenty of good food before I dropped her in Santa Rosa Seattle-bound and cruised my way south over the Golden Gate Bridge sun shining and boats sailing and continued down the 1 to finally... finally... end up on Locust St. with Stephen and Chrissi. What a joy it is to be able to unload the car and actually unpack the clothes I'm going to wear.

I've got a week to kick around and explore this town before my program starts on April 21st. I'm planning on keeping this site updated as much as possible, but if I end up being MIA for the next 6 mths or so please forgive me and know that my head is in the books and my hands are digging deep into that fertile California soil.

Hugs all around,


ps- **UPDATE** to the previous post... those pretty pink ladies ended up WINNING their division. GO TEAM!


Mom said...

Jen - California will never be the same! Have fun.

artemisia said...

Woo ho! Oh, I (selfishly) hope you will post about your experiences in the program.

And of Cali - I've only been to LA and San Diego. I loved San Diego, couldn't stand LA.

Oh, have fun. What a wonderful, wonderful adventure. I am sure your program is just brimming with friends you haven't met yet.