Wonderful Wanderings...

Back into the steady steady.
Let's see what happens in 2010.

26 May 2008

Wind, Laughter & Peacocks

My days continue. Filled with wonder, awe, dirt and laughter. So long they feel- that as I recall what I did on any given morning during the afternoon- I feel as if it was a full 3 days earlier and not merely a few hrs ago. It's amazing so much can be crammed into one 24 hr period (and believe me, many of those hrs are spent crashed out head in pillow).
What do those days contain? Well- this week it's been mostly talk of irrigation and propagation- mostly followed by a plethora of good food and loads of laughter. That's just the way we roll here at the farm.
The three week rotation I'm currently in is in prop with three fellow farmies. We're in charge of making sure the potting mixes get made, the seeds get sown and the babies get watered (think greenhouse and nursery). It's been a different pace for sure, but lots to learn and plenty to juggle. We also alternate watering duties over the weekends since the plants don't know it's a holiday- so I was on watering duty this weekend. Which gave me plenty of time to re-adjust my tent. ...But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Did I mention that tent site #37 in tent row happens to lie in the windy wind corridor? Well- rest assured, it does. I showed up for breakfast Thursday morning to the sad faces and condolences of my comrades, many expressing concern for my well being.. and oh, had I seen my tent yet? Apparently the evening before it forgot it was a tent and instead thought it was a parachute trying it's damnedest to launch into a flight pattern over the Monterrey Bay. My dear friend Maggie halted that action by throwing a wooden pallet over it, but not before it went through a simulated washing machine. Even with all the forewarning and concerned looks I received at breakfast- I was mislead as I headed out to tent row with a half hour before class to take care of whatever had happened the night before to my dear camo-tent. As I approached, it looked as if someone had nicely laid out their tent on the ground- getting ready to set it up. As I got closer it appeared as if a giant had stepped on and squashed my tent, and as I got even closer still I could see that it indeed had been thrown through the ringer- with poles in every direction, the bottom on the top all the stuff inside a jumbled mess. I just sat there laughing hysterically, got out my camera snapped off a photo and walked back to the farm center. Nothing to be done. Though I did manage to right my tent before the day was done- I was basically laughing the rest of the day. The only unfunny part of the day was hearing about the destruction of much land and many houses in the Santa Cruz mtns from the fire that is currently blazing near here. That night we could see the fire from the Farm Center porch. Makes you think- you're really lucky to merely have your tent blown apart and not have your house burnt to the ground (as happened to one of our Farm Center directors).
The following day my fellow propies pulled off a Fun Fancy Pants day. On my inspiration from my new favorite peacock pants we decided to have a Fun Pants day and not tell the rest of our cronies. It was an amazing showing at breakfast when multiple times you could hear, "Wow, everyone is wearing fun pants today..." not realizing that is was only 4 people. It could easily have started something... Oh I hope so!!
The day ended with Dancing Pants- as one of our farm managers' bluegrass band (the Rolling Cultivators) played for us at the Farm Center. How hilarious is it to watch so many people be introduced to bluegrass and contra dancing in the same night? VERY!
And today FINALLY Chrissi and Stephen are home from the Emerald Isle so that is a welcome sight!!
Well, I'm back at it early in the morning. I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day where ever you are.
Loads of love and may you all find your personal quota for hugs each and every day!
oh and ps- If you're ever presented with the notion that you can open a bottle of wine with a shoe don't doubt it. It CAN be done. Please inquire for more details...

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