Wonderful Wanderings...

Back into the steady steady.
Let's see what happens in 2010.

03 January 2010

I'm Ba-ack!

Well, hello hello.
Even though it won't be as hard to 'catch me' these days, I've resolved to re-start this blog. I've been back in Jackson, WY for the last year- working in nutrition and food education through Cooperative Extension. This pleases me and keeps me grounded, settled and comfortable. Though I constantly dream of other lands and dias libres, things are good as is for now. In being "settled" for a while I often think I have nothing interesting to note. But that doesn't stop my head from wandering and my imagination from taking off.
I have decided I will pick up this blog (not really where I left off- but rather from now) and contribute my 2 cents of my daily wanderings and wonderings and see if anyone takes notice. Though- more for me and my writing than to offer anything of huge significance to others.
We'll see where this takes me and see how long I can keep it up.
Til soon-

Feliz O'10 to ALL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you mean oh-ten?