Wonderful Wanderings...

Back into the steady steady.
Let's see what happens in 2010.

16 February 2008

And She's Off....

So I've hit the road.
I made it to Lander today- after a fun filled/ stressful week of everything one must do to ultimately smash all worldly possessions into a Subaru wagon.
There is still a bit of organizing and most likely floundering to be done in the next few days, but one BIG chunk of this process is behind me.
I want to send my love and sincere gratitude to all my friends and helpers in Jackson who kept me focused (and slightly intoxicated) this week- and shoved me out the door with so many hugs and kisses that it will be hard not to return someday.
You will all be carried with me in my heart... wherever this winding road takes me.
And on that note...

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