Wonderful Wanderings...

Back into the steady steady.
Let's see what happens in 2010.

22 February 2008

Just some thoughts..

So- in just over 24 hrs from stepping off the plane, I've been asked twice for directions (and gave an accurate reply.. I'm pretty sure) and been mistaken for a German at least once. (Well, it's better than getting a punch in the face for being an American!)
So, it's been raining buckets today and hence it's allowed plenty of time to roam the streets and check out the museums. In doing so, I begin to wonder... if you're in a country that drives on the left side of the street and you're walking towards on-coming pedestrians, do you walk to the right or to the left? Food for thought... I still haven't figured this one out yet. If you have some insight, please let me know.
On other notes: They have some really great intersections that allow you not only to walk across the street crosswise, but diagonally as well- pure people crossing in every which way. LOVE IT!
So, I've been madly posting blogs (which I'm sure is pleasing some) but I'm off to catch my flight in a bit to Christchurch and hopefully get this holiday rolling. Not sure how much more socked in internet time will be available.
Until next time...
Keep on rockin'


Unknown said...

Hi Jen, Sorry it is raining buckets there. Just FYI it is snowing buckets here - 8 inches and counting. Catch you later, Gwen

artemisia said...

I never did figure out what side of the sidewalk to walk on when I lived in England. I think I should have been walking on the left, because I always seemed to be running into people. But I never could get used to it!

Have fun!